يحتوي هذا القسم على أهم المعلومات حول التداول مع إنستافوركس. نحن نقدم كلاً من التحليل من كبار الخبراء للمتداولين ذوي الخبرة والمقالات حول ظروف التداول للمبتدئين. ستساعد خدماتنا في زيادة أرباحك المحتملة.
هذا القسم مصمم لأولئك الذين بدأوا للتو رحلة تداولهم. ستلبي المواد التعليمية والتحليلية المقدمة من قبل إنستافوركس احتياجاتك التدريبية. ستجعل توصيات خبرائنا خطواتك الأولى نحو نجاح التداول بسيطة وواضحة.
تعد خدمات إنستافوركس المبتكرة عنصرًا أساسيًا في الاستثمار الإنتاجي. نحن نسعى جاهدين لتزويد عملائنا بقدرات تقنية متقدمة وجعل روتين التداول الخاص بهم مريحًا حيث إننا معترف بنا كأفضل وسيط في هذا الصدد.
الشراكة مع إنستافوركس مفيدة ورفيعة المستوى. انضم إلى برامج الشراكة الخاصة بنا واحصل على مكافآت وعمولات وفرصة للسفر مع فريق العلامة التجارية المشهورة عالميًا.
هذا القسم يحتوي على العروض الأكثر ربحًا من إنستافوركس. احصل على البونصات عند تعبئة الحساب ، وتنافس مع المتداولين الآخرين ، واحصل على جوائز حقيقية حتى عند التداول في حساب تجريبي.
العطلات مع إنستافوركس ليست ممتعة فقط ولكنها مفيدة أيضًا. نحن نقدم بوابة شاملة والعديد من المنتديات ومدونات الشركات ، حيث يمكن للمتداولين تبادل الخبرات والاندماج بنجاح في مجتمع الفوركس.
إنستافوركس هي علامة تجارية دولية تم إنشاؤها في عام 2007. تقدم الشركة الخدمات في مجال تداول الفوركس عبر الإنترنت وهي معترف بها كواحدة من شركات الوساطة الرائدة في العالم. لقد فزنا بثقة أكثر من 7,000,000 من متداولي التجزئة الذين أعربوا بالفعل عن تقديرهم لموثوقيتنا وتركيزنا على الابتكارات.
The foreign exchange is currently an attractive market for private investors, with its availability, integrity, multi-level activity and transparency. The main advantage for the modern private investor is the minimal participation of intermediaries or third parties and those brokers who are involved in the technical basis, rather than a consultative or administrative one.
Despite the fact that brokers are only involved in technical level, choosing someone who is well trusted and knowledgeable is vital. Forex is, therefore, committed to using experienced professionals with reliable and up-to-date technical facilities. With the help of brokers and the attributes listed above, Forex ensures long-term loyalty for traders and partners.Once a long-term relationship has been established, like a Washington Pie - layer on layer - various special offers, additional services and campaigns can be added.
InstaForex was founded in 2007 by InstaFintech Group as a retail broker on the financial Forex market. InstaForex has, for two years, been working passionately to ensure that it provides its clients with qualitative, effective and secure investment services aimed at speculative profit making.
At the moment, alongside with one of the best trading packages in the market, InstaForex offers its clients a set of unique options: segregated accounts, VIP Accounts, PAMM Accounts, US cent accounts, the InstaRebate spread return system and the opportunity to withdraw funds to VISA card.
There is strong competition on the Forex market and this drives constant improvement in three main areas: comfort and variety of trading conditions; active attendance in the global net and a wide range of specialist services and offers. InstaForex prides itself on being at the forefront of each of these areas, a claim backed up by the fact that the company has 200,000 clients in 80 countries.
InstaForex is one of the most dynamic brokers, with some of the fastest expansion of all online Forex brokers in both Europe and Asia. Even in more conservative financial markets such as North America, InstaForex is still seen at the top of Forex brokers.
The reason for this is that InstaForex is not just a broker providing access services to the exchange market, it is a well established brand which involves a group of companies in a number of different fields, such as: finance and investments, education and training; information technology and media business.
In addition to the company's main website www.instaforex.com, people can take advantage of the huge educational database on www.instafxeducation.com which is an ideal resource for first-time traders. Another initiative which is offered is allowing clients to receive more profit from their trading, details can be found at www.getforexrebate.com and is another reason to trade with InstaForex.
It is difficult to imagine an advanced, successful broker without a strong marketing strategy and Instaforex is heavily involved in a variety of marketing initiatives, in 2009 an online television channel, Insta TV, was launched. The company also offers a "welcome bonus" and runs a number of campaigns and contests with a total annual prize fund in excess of $500,000.
Instaforex is also a partner of other large scale projects directly related to the Forex market. For instance, Instaforex Company is an official financial guarantor of the electronic exchanger insta-change.com. It is also a primary sponsor for MT5.com which is a universal portal containing all of the latest Forex services for traders.
For a private investor who decides to trade on the Forex market, it is recommended to consider InstaForex as the first broker.